1. You understand the most common geometric features of atoms in molecules: coordination number, bond lengths, and bond angles. You recognize what a molecule "should look like" and approximately what all bond lengths and angles "should be" based on these regularities.
    Visualization: Structural Features of Organic Molecules
  2. You can draw Lewis structures for any simple compound from its molecular formula, and you can translate this to the bond-line (or line-angle) notation.

    Visualization: Molecular Representations

  3. You recognize important functional groups: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, arenes; alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, ketones, aldehydes; and the fact that carboxylic acids, esters, amides and other groups are aggregates of carbonyls with other groups.
  4. You understand the basics of organic nomenclature: finding the longest carbon chain for the base name, identifying alkyl or other substituents along that chain, and numbering based on the lowest aggregate assignment plus priority of certain functional groups.
  5. You understand the electronic structure of atoms and the distribution of electrons between s and p atomic orbitals.
    Visualization: Atomic Orbitals
    Visualization: https://winter.group.shef.ac.uk/orbitron/
  6. You understand how to use the Periodic Table to identify the number of valence electrons a neutral atom brings to make bonds.
    Periodic Table:  https://www.webelements.com/
  7. You understand the formation of a covalent, 2-electron bond arising from sharing electrons between two atoms.
  8. You remember the octet rule for compounds made from second-row elements.
  9. You can identify the formal charge on any atom from its Lewis (or bond-line) structure.
  10. You understand how atomic orbitals can be combined to form either hybrid atomic orbitals or molecular orbitals.
    Visualization: Hybrid Atomic Orbitals
    Visualization: Formation of a sigma C-H bond
    Visualization: Formation of a double bond (sigma + pi)
  11. You understand the impact of molecular orbital models in determining molecular shape.
    Visualization: MOs of methane,ethene, ethyne
  12. You understand the distinction between sigma and pi bonds in molecules with multiple bonds.
  13. You understand the impact of multiple bonding on bond rotation barriers.
  14. You understand the relationship between what resonance structures say about bonding, and how a molecular orbital picture can describe the same molecule.
    Visualization: Writing, Using and Understanding Resonance Structures
    Visualization: Comparison of Resonance vs. MO Theory
  15. You understand how electronegative atoms affect both single and multiple bonds.
Recommended Problems: 
1.25, 1.27, 1.28, 1.31, 1.32, 1.34, 1.35, 1.36, 1.43, 1.45, 1.48, 1.52
Note:  all "in-chapter" problems are recommended as part of your reading.

Worked problems:
Worked Problem 1
Worked Problem 2
Worked Problem 3
Worked Problem 4