Teaching Information

Igneous Petrology 412/512

A senior - first year graduate student level course on igneous petrology. The course consists of ten weeks of two one-hour lectures and two two-hours labs per week, including a field trip. The course emphasizes (a) the chemical and physical processes that lead to the formation and evolution of  igneous rocks, (b) the sources of information that we can use to understand igneous rocks, including observations of field relations, hand specimen and thin section studies as well as the types of geochemical information that can be used to understand igneous rocks. The approximate syllabus is:


Week 1

Introduction and review of important concepts

Classification of igneous rocks

Week 6

Magma generation in the mantle

Magma generation in the continental crust

Week 2

More classification

Introduction to thermodynamics

Week 7

Differentiation of magmas

Layered mafic intrusions

Week 3

Properties of melts and volatiles

Chemical Petrology - Major elements

Week 8

Textures and kinetics

Ascent and emplacement of magmas

Week 4

Chemical Petrology - Trace elements

Chemical Petrology - Stable isotopes

Week 9

Magmatism in the ocean basins

Subduction zone magmas

Week 5

Chemical Petrology - Radiogenic isotopes

Mid Term

Week 10

Magmatism in rifts and the continental crust

Review of concepts

This course is now taught be Roger Nielsen.