Supplemental Materials Page
for Experimental Chemistry I, CH 362 & 362H
Winter 2020

last updated: 12/26/2019

Writing Reports

Writing Guide for Chemistry
The ACS Style Guide; particularly useful are Chapters 4, 9, and 11-14.
OSU Valley Library Research Tools

Oral Presentation Guidelines
Report 3 Guidelines--Written   and Grading Rubric

Experiment 2: Use of NMR and Mass Spectrometry

1H NMR Chemical Shift
13C NMR Chemical Shift
Spin-Spin Coupling
Assignment of 1-D NMR Spectra

Part 1: Keto-Enol Equilibration

Keto-Enol Tautomerization
Reporting results:
In order for you to fully analyze the data from the entire class for the Hacac equilibration study, please submit your results here, then view the results here as you write the final report.
Data to use to propose trends for Keq:
Properties of common deuterated solvents(description)
Properties of common deuterated solvents (table of values)
Chemical Shifts of Common NMR solvents

Instructions for using Bruker TopSpin NMR Processor(using the GbAd 409 laptops; see instructors if you wish to install on your personal laptop) Instructions for using ACD Labs NMR Processor (see below to download software)

Part 2: Identification of Unknown Compounds

Mass Spectrometry:
2-Dimensional NMR
HowTo for stepping your way through the spectra of your unknown, or any unknown, in general.

Links to NMR Unknown Spectra including Mass Spectrum, 1-D and 2-D NMRs.

Spectral Databases:
NIST Webbook (IR and MS data, plus lots of thermochemistry)
The SDBS (Spectral Data Base System for Organic Compounds). NMRs are generally shown at low resolution (usually 90 MHz for 1H), but often has shifts and J values assigned.

Software Downloads

Bruker TopSpin NMR processing program. While we have this on all the GbAd computers, you may want to install it if you want to work with your data on your own time. Installation of the license key (it won't run without that) requires that you register for an account with Bruker.
ACD Labs NMR Processor Academic Edition. They have changed the formerly free academic license to a 30-day trial with registration. However, you can load this on your personal laptop or desktop and use for the remainder of the term. This site also has ACD ChemSketch, which is free for academic use.
Mestre-C is an alternative NMR processing package. The current version is again trialware, but this older freeware version is still available. You will have to find the various functions listed on the ACDLabs processing instructions, but the process is the same: open the FID, do a FT, phase and baseline correct, then pick peaks and integrate.