Materials Used in Lectures

Please note:  the following pages have been tested with a range of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE) and generally work with up-to-date versions. Many use HTML5 to render interactive, 3-D models of organic structures and their properties.

Pleaselet me know by email of problems so I can keep track of how things are working.  Alternative external viewers include Rasmol. and Jmol, a Java-based viewer that serves as the code base for my Web page renderings.

What should a CH630 student know to start with?
Course syllabus
Exam Information
Homework sets

Introductory topics:

Visualization of structural effects in carbocation chemistry:

Carbanion chemistry:

Carbene chemistry:

singlet vs. triplet structure

Radical chemistry:

Delocalization in Radical Anions

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Last updated:  05/08/2014